New Premises
Since 2017, YMOM Young Men On A Mission Inc. has positively impacted the lives of young men throughout the city of Milwaukee by being physically on the grounds through our various programs: Bible Commandos, YMOM Generals (Football), YMOM Diamonds In The Rough (Basketball), Don't Lose Your Edge Work Training, Mission Driven and YMOM After-School Program. YMOM Young Men On A Mission Inc. has stood the test of time and is now in search of our new facility.

Young Men On A Mission Inc.
Henry Ford states, "Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success. "
Join the MISSION to help YMOM raise funds for their 2.2 million multi-purpose facility that will benefit young men in the community. Thank you for being part of the team that helps to keep YMOM's mission going.
Please be advised, more information is forthcoming!!!!

The Mission Never Ends
No matter the circumstance, we can't afford to lose one. YMOM is committed to developing young men into leaders . With your help, YMOM can continue in the mission of blending sports, faith, and strong character values in our young men causing them to become productive in our society.
Your help matters!